June 21, 2012

Happy Born Day To Me

Twenty years ago, I opened my eyes for the first time. Twenty years seems like a very long time to me, but in reality it's just a blip of time. I feel accomplished just hitting to big two-oh and I'm very thankful that I didn't die before then. Also I'm celebrating the end of my teen years. Some people say they wish they could be teenagers forever but I'm more than ready to leave them in the past where I can look back on them occasionally and remember the good stuff, but then look forward to all the new and exciting thing life has to offer, because let's face it, life is pretty amazing even when you're down and out and everything is going wrong.

Yesterday my car broke down twice and it is now stranded at a gas station about thirty minutes from home. I'm borrowing a car with no airbags and no working seat belts and I know my car is going to be an expensive fix, but yesterday the boy told me that he was impressed by the calm attitude I kept during the whole thing as well as keeping a smile on my face. I attribute that to keeping a good perspective. No matter what my situation is, I'm still breathing, my family is alive and happy, and God is always there to hear my frantic prayers, like "Please keep my car from blowing up while I'm driving it".

I've got a lot of reasons to be happy and when things get bad I'll just fake it till I make it. So today while I get through work and try and figure out how to get my car home, I'll be thankful for the little things. I've got my new birthday shoes on (courtesy of the wonderful boy), a cup of hot chocolate, a loving family, and dinner reservations to my favorite Thai place with some of my favorite people. Life is good and I'm intent on enjoying it completely. Now let's see how long I can keep this attitude. :)

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